A good number of lawyers usually struggle with addiction. They take drugs and alcohol in a bid to help them get the competitive advantage or handle stress and control mental health problems. It is very usual for lawyers who are addicted to substance use addiction, to sacrifice their health into ensuring that they are successful career-wise. With this, their relationship and social life is at risk.
Lawyers are individuals who have the ability to take over interactions and conversations. They are very adept at shifting attention away from themselves, which makes it extremely difficult for their family and friends to notice, and even persuade them to seek help.
The legal profession is one which makes it very easy to come up with a substance abuse addiction. The challenges and obligations which comes with the job, has the capacity to induce a good number of mental health issues which includes: depression and anxiety. Several studies have shown that the workplace of an individual plays an important role in the likeliness of an employee to be caught up in the web of addiction.
Stress happens to be one of the main factors which contributes to substance addiction. Lawyers usually face high levels of stress, and this increases the risk of coming up with substance abuse. The workload and the need to commit to time, is usually on the extreme, and this is what the legal profession puts on individuals.
Typically, a Lawyer has to work for long hours on end, they have to deal with certain irregularities from time to time, coupled with much workload and tough time issues, and all this contributes to the stress levels of a Lawyer.
It should be noted that, most times, the origin of substance addiction, is usually from Law school. There is always this stress to perform well academically, and hence, they use either drugs or alcohol to assist them.
The most effective form of treatment for an addicted Lawyer, is to opt for specialized addiction treatment centres. There are some rehabs which are meant specifically for Lawyers and you can be sure that their recovery progress would be quicker.