Reasons Why Lawyers Need to See a Counsellor


Lawyers sometimes consider themselves to be counselors- giving legal counsels. They too need counseling therapy as they are sometimes so caught up in their work. The mental health of lawyers needs to be in the best shape for optimum delivery.

While some law firms prioritize the mental health of their lawyers, some others don’t take cognizance of it. Some lawyers do not help matters by downplaying the need for a counselor.

In this article, we will review why a lawyer needs a counselor.

Why a Lawyer Needs a Counsellor

  • Lawyers Suffer Mental Health Issues 

A survey was carried out on lawyers in the past. In the study, it was estimated that 28% of lawyers suffer from depression.

Some of these lawyers who suffer from depression, mental fatigue, and stress are unable to speak up. They believe it’s viewed as a sign of weakness in their profession.

One of the ways to fix this is through counselors as counseling sessions are private ones where the lawyers can express themselves without prejudice.

  • Counselling Therapy Helps the Lawyer Unload

As a lawyer, you are not immune to regular human experiences. Inability to express yourself about these experiences can hamper your effectiveness as a lawyer.

Being an attorney is a job that involves a lot of talking on behalf of your client. Bottling up issues can lead to emotional breakdown hence you need to be able to talk about your experiences.

One of the places where you can talk about your problems is at the counselor’s office. One of the responsibilities of a counselor is listening.


For the overall well-being of the lawyer, it is important to go through counseling therapy sessions. In some law firms, every lawyer fixes a date with the counselor just as they fix dates with the doctor. They understand the importance of the mental health of the lawyer.